Peaceful Kids Program
What is Peaceful Kids?
Peaceful Kids is a Mindfulness and Positive Psychology based program to lessen anxiety and stress and increase resilience in children.
The program has been created by Georgina Mannings to offer all children who suffer from anxiety a program that gives them the skills, practice and support to utilise coping strategies that lessen the symptoms of anxiety and stress. This program helps them to build their emotional resilience so they are better equiped to deal with the day to day stresses that life brings them. The program also involves parental involvement and commitment to supporting the strategies at home.
Children will learn about:
Basic theory on Mindfulness and how it affects the brain and lessens stress and anxiety
The different ways to practice Mindfulness and integrate it into their lives
Their feelings and how this relates to anxiety and stress levels
Understanding anxiety and how it relates personally to them
Understanding triggers for stress and how to calm down when feeling stressed
Physical symptoms of stress and anxiety and learning to identify when they need to take time out to calm themselves
Worrying and how it affects their happiness
Different types of thinking that increase or lessen anxiety
Noticing their own self-talk and how this affects worrying and stress levels
Creating a balanced lifestyle, including lots of chill out time and being in the flow
Peaceful Kids is based on evidence based therapies and research:
Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction program (MBSR) - Jon Kabat Zinn
Mindfulness-integrated Cognitive behaviour Therapy (MiCBT)
Positive Psychology
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy
“There is a rapidly growing research-base on the positive role of mindfulness for healthy childhood development and learning. Georgina Manning’s ‘Peaceful Kids’ program makes a great contribution to helping children to develop these skills early in life - a skill that will stand them in good stead for the rest of their lives. It is practical, systematic and can help children to understand themselves better and to develop ways to not just survive in the modern world, but to thrive in ti. Let’s face it, if adults are not teaching children to be mindful, then we are teaching them to be unmindful.”